
Do you really need an Internal Developer Platform or are paved roads enough?

Internal Developer Platforms (IDPs) are all the rage. But like Kubernetes (K8s) was at first, they're unwieldy, expensive, and you probably don't need them. You likely just need paved roads, so I'll focus on the common ones my teams have built.

An IDP is a huge investment of time, talent, and treasure, and their payoff is only guaranteed if your processes, culture, and use case align well with the problems they solve. Frankly, most of us don't have those problems, but we still want to deliver software safely, quickly, and with high quality.

The answer has been with us for a while now – paved roads, where we automate and standardize processes every team needs. But how do we then maintain, update, and improve them over time so they don't stagnate?

Schuyler Bishop
VP Software Engineering, DroneUp
Schuyler Bishop

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