June 10

A guide for building secure Internal Developer Platforms in regulated environments

Join this talk to learn how Bechtle helps its customers in highly regulated environments build Internal Developer Platforms (IDPs). Discover why platform engineering is a good route for organizations needing highly secure IT solutions, what a program looks like for developing a Minimal Viable Platform (MVP), and the steps to building an IDP reference architecture.

In this session, André Alfter breaks down how Bechtle helps customers in highly regulated environments build Internal Developer Platforms (IDPs). He explains why platform engineering is a good option for organizations that need very secure IT solutions and how this approach improves security.

André presents the Bechtle program for developing a Minimal Viable Platform (MVP) and demonstrates how public clients can purchase their MVP using existing framework contracts. He also describes the steps of building a reference architecture and the factors to consider when choosing the right team setup.

The session will highlight the use of the Dell Apex Cloud Platform (ACP) with OpenShift as a resource plane and give practical tips and lessons learned from Bechtle's work in creating secure and effective IDPs for challenging customers.

André Alfter
Principal Consultant, Bechtle
André Alfter

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